ARP ESSER Use of Funds Plan
The Use of Funds Plan must include at a minimum a description of how the funds will be used
4.a) for implementing prevention and mitigation strategies,
4.b) to address the loss of instructional time,
4.c) consistent with ARP allowable uses, and
4.d) for interventions implemented that will address the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students, and particularly those students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
CRCS has ramped up cleaning and sanitizing throughout the buildings and buses since Covid has hit. CRCS also mandates mask wearing, daily symptom checking, and is starting pool testing in the near future. We will use ESSER funds to help pay for the extra janitorial costs, supply, manpower, equipment, etc. We will also use Esser funds to pay for the PPE items that we need - Masks, shields, gloves, hand sanitizer, wipes, etc.
Instructional time has definitely been disrupted due to Covid and will continue to be disrupted as learners and staff have to go out due to illness or due to close contact quarantines. To mitigate this, we are hiring two additional ed techs to work directly with learners through Esser II. We are using Esser III funds to help provide additional time for staff to work with learners.
CRCS’s use of Esser funds is in alignment with ARP/Esser guidelines and allowable uses. Previous funds have been used in the past and will use Esser funds for the following:
to provide additional staffing for student supports, class size reduction, additional janitorial services, food services, remote/hybrid learning, contact tracing, etc.
to provide opportunities for learners to recover lost learning and help with their social and emotional needs.
To provide one to one technology, distance learning equipment, hotspots and internet connections for staff and learners and to improve the schools’ technology and communications infrastructure to handle the increased loads due to remote/hybrid learning.
To purchase PPE like masks, shields, gloves, hand sanitizer, and items for social distancing such as acrylic sheets for table dividers.
To renovate parts of the buildings to provide additional space for learning.
To obtain leased spaces so we can provide additional socially distanced learning spaces.
To renovate parts of the buildings to provide better, more secure access, replace windows, improve HVAC, and provide socially distanced bathrooms as well.
The CRCS motto is “Community Centered, Uncompromisingly Learner Focused” so our primary concern is to make sure that everything we do is meeting the learner where they are and helping them move forward from there. Last year we offered full time, regularly scheduled school as an option to all learners, with remote options for those with health concerns. As we have learned more about living with Covid and as vaccines have become available, it is important for CRCS to have all learners back in school full time because we can see the toll that the pandemic is taking on not only the academic but also the social and emotional, and mental health and well being of learners. CRCS is implementing a variety of social and emotional learning programs throughout the Pre-K -12 program to help learners reflect on their experiences and grow from them as well as to provide them with tools to help them cope and thrive in these uncertain times. These programs are adjusted according to the learners needs.
CRCS has actively taken feedback from our families throughout the pandemic and will continue to do so. Concerns can be sent to any school or district administrator or emailed to: There is also an opportunity for the public to comment on Covid concerns and the use of Esser funds during each month’s school board meeting.
This link will take you to the full Esser III application for more details.