ARP ESSER  Use of Funds Plan


The Use of Funds Plan must include at a minimum a description of how the funds will be used 

4.a) for implementing prevention and mitigation strategies, 

4.b) to address the loss of instructional time, 

4.c) consistent with ARP allowable uses, and 

4.d) for interventions implemented that will address the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students, and particularly those students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

CRCS has actively taken feedback from our families throughout the pandemic and will continue to do so. Concerns can be sent to any school or district administrator or emailed to: There is also an opportunity for the public  to comment on Covid concerns and the use of Esser funds during each month’s school board meeting.

This link will take you to the full Esser III application for more details.