Are you interested in coming to Community Regional Charter School?
If you have a child who will be in Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade in 2023-2024/2024-2025 please come check us out. We would be honored to provide your child with the best possible academic experience. Our school office is open from 8:00 to 4:30, Monday through Friday. Call (207) 474-8740 for more information.
We are currently accepting Intent To Enroll Forms for 2023-2024. We have an electronic form (see below) but will certainly take information over the phone and email: enrollment@crcsme.org
There are 2 ways to be accepted: Waitlist and Lottery (same online form)
For 2023-2024, learners that have an Intent to Enroll form completed and are placed on a waitlist will be called based on any openings that become available. Some ages we have a long list of learners on the waitlist, while other ages have very few.
If there are more letters of intent to enroll received by March 1 than there are available seats for the coming school year, a lottery will be held. For 2024-2025, learners that have an Intent to Enroll form completed by March 1, 2024 will be automatically entered into our lottery in March.Completed letters of intent received after the deadline of March 1st will not be eligible for the lottery and will be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list order will be decided in a lottery type fashion in March and after that it will be in order of receipt. More information is available below.
Learners may be eligible to enroll AFTER the school year begins, based on the waitlist and lottery status. Please contact us at enrollment@crcsme.org or call (207) 474-8740 to schedule a tour and a conversation.
In any case, the first step is to complete a Letter of Intent to Enroll, which can be found by filling out the INTENT TO ENROLL
Lottery Guidelines:
Siblings and children of staff: All siblings of admitted learners will be placed prior to holding a lottery. CRCS shall also give enrollment preference to children of the school’s full-time employees, as long as they constitute no more than 10% of the school’s total learner population.
CRCS may limit admission to pupils according to given age group(s) or grade level(s) and may make modifications as to the number of learners in any particular grade to accommodate staffing exigencies and attrition patterns.
Applicants: All names of remaining learners who have submitted completed applications will be given bingo numbers and placed in a bingo ball if there are more applicants than slots for a specific grade level.
Drawing: Beginning with kindergarten, as each ball is drawn, the learner will be admitted or placed on the waiting list.
Siblings of admitted learners: When a learner is admitted, their siblings’ names are automatically drawn. If there is space, the siblings are admitted as well. If not, they will be placed on the wait-list.
Admitted learners: Parents of accepted learners will meet with the school director for orientation and receive enrollment paperwork. This admittance remains in effect until they graduate or transfer.
Waitlisted learners: If there is no longer space available, the learner will be placed on the wait-list in the order that his or her name was drawn. If an opening occurs in a given grade, learners on the wait list will be contacted according to their order on the waitlist.
Learners who apply to CRCS after the lottery date: These learners will be conditionally admitted only if space is available. If space is not available, they will be placed on the wait-list in the order that their completed application is received.
CRCS accepts all applications and does not discriminate based on sex, race, color, religion, handicaps or disabilities